CLI Tools
CLI_Tools, Step 2
More CLI Tools for develop code in linux
Install fzf (for autocomplete search)
brew install fzf
Edit and source the zshrc file:
vim ~/.zshrc
eval "$(fzf --zsh)"
source ~/.zshrc
Install fd (better find command)
brew install fd
Clone the next github repository for integration with fzf:
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/junegunn/fzf-git.sh.git
Add the next lines to the zshrc file:
vim ~/.zshrc
export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fd --hidden --stripcwd-prefix --exclude .git"
export FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND="fd --tyepe=d --hidden --strip-cwd-prefix --exclude .git"
_fzf_compgen_path() {
fd --hidden --exclude .git . "$1"
_fzf_compgen_dir() {
fd --type=d --hidden --exclude .git . "$1"
source ~/fzf-git.sh/fzf-git.sh
Source the zshrc file:
source ~/.zshrc
Install bat (like cat but with format)
$ brew install bat
You can select the theme you like for bat. Edit and source the zshrc file:
vim ~/.zshrc
export BAT_THEME=tokyonight_night
source ~/.zshrc
Install delta
With this tool you can modify the view of some git commands (git diff, for example.).
brew install git-delta
Edit the gitconfig file with the options you like:
vim ~/.gitconfig
editor = vim
pager = delta
diffFilter = delta --color-only
navigate = true
side-by-side = true
conflictstyle = diff3
colorMoved = default
Install eza (more powerfull that ls)
brew install eza
Modify the zshrc file in order to:
- Integrate bat and eza with fzf.
- Create an alias to use eza instead ls.
- Select the options you like for the behavior of eza. In this example, I decide to not show filesize, user, time and permissions.
vim ~/.zshrc
export FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS="--preview 'bat -n --color=always --line-range :500 {}'"
export FZF_ALT_C_OPTS="--preview 'eza -tree --color=always {} | head -200'"
_fzf_comprun() {
local command=$1
case "$command" in
cd) fzf --preview 'eza -tree --color=always {} | head -200' "$@" ;;
export|unset) fzf --preview "eval 'echo $' {}" "$@" ;;
ssh) fzf --preview 'dig {}' "$@" ;;
*) fzf --preview 'bat -n --color=always --line-range :500 {}' "$@" ;;
# --- Eza ---
alias ls="eza --color=always --icons=always --long --git --no-filesize --no-time --no-user --no-permissions"
Source the zshrc file:
source ~/.zshrc
Install tlrc (shows some tips on how to use commands)
brew install tlrc
For exemple, you can see tips of the eza command:
tldr eza
Install thefuck (show some corrections for commands)
brew install thefuck
You can add an alias for thefuck command. Edit and source the zshrc file:
vim ~/.zshrc
eval $(thefuck --alias)
eval $(thefuck --alias fk)
source ~/.zshrc
Test thefuck, for example, type brw instead brew, and then use fk:
brw install zoxide
Install zoxide (better cd)
brew install zoxide
Create an alias to use zoxide instead cd. Edit and source the zshrc file:
vim ~/.zshrc
eval "$(zoxide init zsh)"
alias cd="z"
source ~/.zshrc
Customize fzf’s theme
Finally you can customize the theme of the fzf command. You need to edit and source the zshrc file once again:
vim ~/.zshrc
# --- setup fzf theme ---
export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--color=fg:${fg},bg:${bg},hl:${purple},fg+:${fg},bg+:${bg},hl+:${purple},info:${blue},prompt:${cyan}"
source ~/.zshrc