Third School of Quantum Computing

Third School of Quantum Computing


Software requirements for Third School of Quantum Computing. You can see the oficcial page at

Install Anaconda or miniconda

Go to anaconda

Type your mail and get the link to download the free version of anaconda.

Go to your inbox and click on the link, now you can click on the download button.

In terminal execute:

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x Anaconda3-2024.XXXXX

Follow the steps to finish installation.

  • In my case I choose to not initialize the conda base environment at startup.

  • If you choose to initialize conda base at startup, and you want to disable it, execute the follow command:

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

To activate conda execute

eval "$(/home/julio/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.zsh hook)"

Only the first time you activate conda execute:

conda init

Create a new environment to work

Create a new environment

conda create --name cwq

Activate cwq environment

conda activate cwq

Install Qiskit and other required packages

Install pip

conda install pip

Install package

pip install qiskit
pip install 'qiskit[visualization]'
pip install matplotlib
pip install qiskit_ibm_runtime
pip install pylatexenc
pip install notebook

IBM Quantum registration

Go to and make you registration in order to get you API Token.

Qiskit Runtime Service setup

Launch jupyter notebook

jupyter notebook

Create a new notebook file and run the following python code:

import qiskit


from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService

# Initialize you conection
service = QiskitRuntimeService(channel="ibm_quantum", # ibm_cloud
                                token = "XXXXX") # API token

# Save your account conection

# Load a backend from IBM
backend = service.backend(name = "ibm_brisbane")
